Quick Tip – Removing “Powered by Shopify”

powered by Shopify link

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Many Shopify website owners find themselves wanting to remove the Powered by Shopify branding from the bottom of their shop? If you’re one of the many eCommerce website owner’s who do, you can follow this guide to quickly learn how to delete the Powered by Shopify link from your Shopify store.

Is it worth removing the Powered by Shopify link?

Here at Shop Style Design, we love Shopify. We think it’s excellent, possibly the best e-commerce platform available today. Not only does it simplify the day to day processes, many e-commerce entrepreneurs find exceptionally tedious, but it’s also a highly respected brand.

Given that, what reason could there be to remove the Shopify branding? Quite simply, even though the Shopify brand is trusted, it runs the risk of causing a break in trust between your potential customer and your brand.

It’s important to remember that eCommerce is centered around the trust your business builds with your customers. Given that, they expect to see your brand prominently displayed on your website, and not Shopify’s. To drive this home, let’s examine a  scenario. Say you’re a customer looking to buy organic deodorant. You come across this neat online store that sells aluminum-free deodorant, and they have excellent  branding, but when you get to the bottom of the page, you notice that telltale “Powered by Shopify.”

While that may not have been enough to deter you from buying altogether, it can certainly make the store’s otherwise exceptional branding a little murky.

How to remove the Powered by Shopify link.

Option 1: Have a Shopify Expert Remove the “Powered by Shopify” Branding From Your Store

Have the vetted and verified Shopify developers at Shop Style Design remove Shopify’s branding from your store.

Option 2: Delete the Powered by Shopify Link Yourself

To remove the “Powered by Shopify” branding from your store, you simply need to follow the steps below.

Assuming your Shopify theme is one fo the “sectioned” themes produced in the past 18 months, you’ll follow the steps below to remove the “Powered by Shopify” link.

Note: this will involve editing your theme code, which can potentially break your website, so please only proceed if you are comfortable with coding. If not, you can have the team at Shop Style Design take care of this for you.

  1. In your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.
  2. Click Actions -> Edit code next to the theme you are looking to edit.
  3. Under Sections, select the footer.liquid file
  4. If you’re on a PC, Use ctrl + F or cmd + F if you’re using a Mac and search for the “{{ powered_by_link }}” tag.
  5. To remove it from the theme, delete any occurrences of the powered by code.
  6. Click Save.

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