Author name: Shop Style Design Team

Social Proof – How to Use Your Most Influential Marketing Asset

It is unconventional for visitors that are brand-new to your site to become life-long customers right off the bat. Your business needs to earn their trust.  Social proof is a great tool in facilitating that process. It is one of the most effective tools for building confidence in an e-commerce business. It even has the

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7 Hands on Personal Branding Tips to Create Your Online Visibility

Personal branding is a word that is essential to any business. It’s not about fame or having a fake audience; it’s about what makes you, you. It is a way that can make you stand out from others and makes you easily identifiable.  When you Google your name, what comes up in the search results? If nothing

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Ecommerce Usability – The Main Navigation Should Display Product Categories

Is your main navigation easy to follow for users who come across your website? When a user first lands on the homepage of your site, you want them to know what type of products you sell. Structuring the main navigation properly ensures that customers can infer what kind of products are on the site. Many

Ecommerce Usability – The Main Navigation Should Display Product Categories Read More »

The Case for Using Live Chat on Landing Pages

It is important to make yourself readily available to your customers in today’s digital age. You want to be able to answer questions, diffuse situations, and create a welcoming environment that will keep them coming back for more. Thankfully, that is more possible than ever with live chat post-click landing pages. Businesses nowadays are making

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21 Call to Action Examples You Can’t Help But Click

Call to Actions (CTA) are important for a particular page on your site and your whole website. They can be part of a singular webpage, an advertisement, or a piece of content on your site. A call-to-action encourages the audience to do something. In terms of business, call-to-actions can help a business convert a visitor

21 Call to Action Examples You Can’t Help But Click Read More »

Psychological Triggers to Increase Sales and Influence Customers

Have you been using the same techniques repeatedly to increase sales but haven’t seen the results that you were hoping for? If you want to increase sales and influence your customers to buy more, you have to get inside their heads. Figure out what they are looking for and what you can do to convince

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